Monday, January 29, 2007

Being read

Writing might be easy with a blog, but you have to think about who is reading. Putting yourself in the reader's mind will mean your blog sounds better to your audience.

Take a minute to read what you are going to write in a blog post to yourself. And I mean read it out loud. You can listen for mistakes in your writing. You can hear where what you are trying to say just isn't coming out right.

Did you know that the "ABC" in the blogger text box is a tool to check your spelling? Is it perfect? No, but it sure can be a help in getting your ideas out there. Who wants to try and read a blog post that looks like a ransom note?

Don't be stopped from expressing yourself. Write everything and save it as a "draft." Then return to it, polish it a bit and then press "Publish."

See you around.

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